What is ChatGPT 4? How to Access and Use ChatGPT 4 for Free?

Explore Chat GPT 4 Features, New Capabilities, Parameter, Pricing, ChatGPT Plus Login Guide and More


If you have an interest in the field of artificial intelligence, you may already know about the latest release by OpenAI, ChatGPT 4. With its advanced multimodal capabilities, GPT-4 can efficiently process and analyze text, images, and videos, making it a highly versatile tool that can benefit individuals, businesses, and marketers alike. Compared to its predecessor, GPT-3.5, Chat GPT 4 is eight times more advanced, making it a significant advancement in the field of AI. The OpenAI GPT-4 API is available and accessible to users.

To understand the full potential of ChatGPT 4, you need to try it out for yourself. However, the question arises – how can you access and use ChatGPT 4? In this article, we’ll dive into what ChatGPT 4 is, how to use it, the differences between GPT 3 and GPT 4, and explore the features, capabilities, and parameters of Chat GPT 4. We have also mentioned 4 easy methods to use ChatGPT 4 for free. Let’s get started!

What is ChatGPT 4?

GPT-4OpenAI recently released the latest version of the ChatGPT series known as GPT-4 with more functionalities and capabilities on 14 March 2023. OpenAI claims GPT 4 is the largest language model offering enhanced functionality, safety, and responsiveness compared to its predecessor, GPT-3.5.

Similar to its predecessors, GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4) is a product that utilizes OpenAI’s large language models (LLM). An LLM is a neural network developed through deep learning to generate human-like, conversational text and designed to tackle various tasks.

ChatGPT 3.5 Vs ChatGPT 4 Comparision

Let us have a look at GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 differences.

ParametersGPT 3.5GPT 4
Model ArchitectureText-to-text modelData-to-text model
Token LimitLimited to 4,000 tokensProcesses 32,000 tokens (8 times more than ChatGPT-3)
Image inputUnable to accept image queriesCapable of processing visual queries like Google Lens
Responding to Appropriate ContentGPT-3 struggled to distinguish between suitable and unsuitable questions and queriesGPT-4 has an 82% higher probability of distinguishing between suitable and unsuitable content and responding accordingly.
Training Parameters175 billion parameters100 trillion + parameters
PriceFree of cost$20 Monthly Subscription

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ChatGPT 4 New Features and Capabilities

Apart from the differences mentioned above, there are several other improvements and fine-tuning in GPT4 compared to its predecessor. GPT4 retains the core capabilities of ChatGPT, but with added features, such as:

  1. Enhanced conversational style: ChatGPT-4 uses simple language, has fewer technical terms, and is more intuitive and reliable.
  2. Image processing: Like Google Lens, GPT-4 can process image inputs and provide textual outputs, a feature expected to be available soon.
  3. Multilingual proficiency: GPT-4 excels in foreign languages, benefiting global users and companies like Koo, an Indian counterpart to Twitter.
  4. Creativity: ChatGPT-4 is imaginative and can assist users with creative activities such as songwriting and screenwriting.
  5. Virtual assistance: GPT-4 can help manage calendars, emails, and schedule building.
  6. Improved safety features: ChatGPT-4 responds more compassionately to negative input and human emotions.
  7. Increased token limit: ChatGPT-4 can process up to 32,000 tokens (equivalent to 25,000 words), allowing for greater user input.

ChatGPT-4 Plans and Pricing

Currently, ChatGPT-4’s text-based features are available to users, while its latest features are restricted to members of ChatGPT Plus. ChatGPT 4 is not available to free users. To become a member, users must pay a $20 monthly subscription fee. The token pricing options are as follows:

Pricing OptionsTokensPrice per 1000 TokensContent Length
Option 11000 Prompt Tokens$0.038k
1000 Sampled Tokens$0.068k
Option 21000 Prompt Tokens$0.0632k
1000 Sampled Tokens$0.1232k

How to Access ChatGPT-4?

GPT-4 is not available in the free version. To access GPT-4, you must upgrade to ChatGPT Plus via your OpenAI account. It is currently available via subscription and charges 20 dollars per month.

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How to Upgrade to ChatGPT Plus?

To upgrade to ChatGPT Plus, follow these steps:

  • Visit the OpenAI website: Go to https://www.openai.com/, then log in and navigate to the ChatGPT section.


  • Upgrade to Plus option: Once you’re logged in, on the bottom-left of the page, click on the “Upgrade to Plus” link.
  • Select ChatGPT Plus plan: A pop-up window will open with the ChatGPT Plus Subscription plan details. Select the plan to continue.
  • Enter Payment details: Provide your preferred payment method, such as a credit card or PayPal, and ensure that the details you’ve entered are correct.
  • Review and confirm: Before finalizing, double-check the subscription details, including the cost, billing cycle, and any additional terms.

Once your payment has been confirmed and your subscription is active, you’ll be able to enjoy the enhanced features of ChatGPT Plus which typically offers faster response times, priority access to new features, a higher number of tokens per month, and more. If you don’t want to upgrade to ChatGPT Plus and would like to use GPT-4 for free, follow the methods provided below:

How to use Chat GPT 4 for Free?

Do you want to try ChatGPT 4 out without paying any charges or subscription fees? We bring you 4 simple ways to use Chat GPT-4 for free. You can use the advanced GPT-4 language model easily without paying any price. The 4 different platforms where you can use ChatGPT Online for free are mentioned below.

#1 How to Use ChatGPT 4 for Free from Microsoft Bing?

Microsoft has integrated the ChatGPT AI chatbot technology created by OpenAI into both Bing Search Engine and Microsoft’s web browser Edge to give people more natural and easy-to-understand answers when they ask questions. Here are some steps on how to use it from the new AI-supercharged Bing search.


Step 1: To use Bing with ChatGPT, visit https://bing.com and click on the “Chat” link provided at the top of the page.

Step 2: To start with the Mircosoft Edge browser, open the browser and click on the “Bing” icon on the top right side. Now click on the “Chat” link.

Step 3: In both steps, you will need to signup or log in with your Microsoft account to access ChatGPT’s ai-powered chatbot.

Step 4: Now, type your query as you would normally ask another person and you’ll be able to watch as it writes you an answer live.

Step 5: Be patient and wait for the response to load. Once you have an answer, you can ask follow-up questions.

#2 How to Use Chat GPT 4  for Free from poe.com?

The poe.com is a website or platform that offers access to GPT-4, and Gpt-3.5 turbo as a chatbot option. Poe supports a variety of other AI bots. Poe lets you ask questions, and get instant answers. It is the fastest and easiest way to interact with AI. Follow the steps below to access Chat GPT for free through poe.com.

how to use chatgpt 4 for free from POE

Step 1: To get started with ChatGPT, First of all, you have to open https://poe.com in your browser.

Step 2: The second step is to Signup with your mobile no. You can also signup with your Gmail or Apple id.

Step 3: After logging in, you will see the list of AI applications link on the left side of the page. Click on the “ChatGPT” link.

Step 4: Now, Enter your topic or question into the ChatGPT interface and simply click on the chat icon to begin your conversation.

Step 5: ChatGPT may take a few moments to process your question and provide a response. Be patient and wait for it to provide an answer.

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#3 Use Chat GPT 4 for Free on Ora.sh

Ora.sh is a web platform where you can build LLM apps in a shareable chat interface. It allows you to explore ChatGPT-4 without any message limit or queue. Here’s how you can access it for free on Ora.sh:

  1. Open Ora.sh’s webpage and click on the chatbox at the bottom to sign in.
  2. Ask your questions to Ora.sh’s GPT 4 chatbot right away.

You can use Google Sign-in to log in and start using Ora.sh’s GPT-4 chatbot.

#4 Use ChatGPT 4 for Free on Nat.dev

Nat.dev is a platform created by Nat Friedman, the former CEO of GitHub. With this platform, you can compare various LLM models offered by AI companies worldwide, including ChatGPT 4. Here’s how you can use ChatGPT 4 for free on Nat.dev:

  1. Sign up for a free account on nat.dev.
  2. After logging in, change the “Model” to “gpt-4” in the right panel.
  3. You can now ask questions to Nat.dev’s GPT-4 chatbot for free.

Note that there is a limit of 10 queries per day.

GPT-4 Limitations

Despite its remarkable advancements, GPT-4 still has room for improvement. It still faces limitations such as social biases, hallucinations, and sensitivity to adversarial prompts. Additionally, it cannot update its knowledge in real-time, struggles with arithmetic errors, and requires significant computing resources, which can be costly for businesses to integrate. So, it’s safe to assume that, like any technology, there may be limitations and areas for improvement that will need to be addressed over time.


Overall, both language models were developed by OpenAI but GPT-4 is an advanced version of GPT-3 with improved features and capabilities, allowing it to perform a wide range of natural language processing tasks with more accuracy and fluency. It offers improved performance, updated training data, and better customization and fine-tuning options compared to ChatGPT-3 making it an amazing tool for the AI industry that developers, individuals, and businesses can use and integrate into their workflows.


What is ChatGPT 4?

Chat GPT 4 is the latest generation of OpenAI's language model, designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the GPT-4 architecture.

What is the difference between GPT 3.5 and GPT 4?

GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 differ mainly in their modeling approach, where GPT-3.5 is a text-to-text model while ChatGPT-4 leans more towards a data-to-text approach.

Can I use Chat GPT 4 on my Mobile?

Yes, you can use it on your mobile phone if you have a subscription to the paid version. The mobile app offers the same functionalities as the computer version.

What is the knowledge cutoff date for ChatGPT 4?

ChatGPT 4's knowledge cutoff date is September 2021. This means it does not have information about events or developments that occurred after this date.

Is ChatGPT-4 free?

No, to access and use the advanced features of the latest GPT-4 model, you have to pay a subscription fee of $20/month.

What can I use ChatGPT-4 for?

ChatGPT 4 has a wide range of potential use cases across various industries and domains. You can use it for content generation, virtual assistant, machine translation, chatbot, conversation assistance, and more.

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